I can't believe how long it has been since I put anything on my blog. I really kind of forgot I had it. Josh is off with the boys in Tillamook tonight and tomorrow. Megan is working and then off to the Hilger's to meet Amelia. She will be leaving to go to BYU-H in September and we will all miss her very much. Miss Mary and Izzy are running around outside being happy and enjoying each other's company. They are always busy and love to be together.
I think we have all had birthdays since I last posted, Megan started college at PCC, the boys played football and basketball, Mary played soccer, and right now we are gearing up for 4H. We lost our dog Sally (she got hit by a car) but we gained a new kitty named Cali. It's short for California and she is a frisky one. Max has begun selling eggs. He keeps working on different ways to advertise and I keep telling him when he gets organized with school work I will help him, but today he told me that will take way too long and he really needs my help now because he already has customers.
Josh is loving having his own company... mostly because he can sneak away and go fishing when he wants without having to ask permission. I am subbing, tutoring, and working at 24 hour fitness a few nights a week if I don't have meetings for church or school. Life is very busy and also very good. I just feel so blessed!